Regardless of how well you prepare for an interview, how intelligent you are, or how well you know the job, you must be able to sell yourself during an interview. The number one reason Human Resources rejects candidates is because they feel the candidate lacks enthusiasm for the job and/or does not communicate effectively.
Every hiring manager is always looking for five (5) things during an interview whether they know it or not. It’s important you know and understand what they’re looking for so you can sell yourself during the interview. Be prepared to show:
Would you hire someone that didn’t show motivation? Of course you wouldn’t. It is absolutely important that you demonstrate enthusiasm for the job. This can be done by voice inflection, facial expressions, body language, and a genuine interest in the position. He needs to feel that if you’re selected, you’ll approach the job with passion. You have to be able to show why you’re better than any other candidates they might be interviewing. What sets you apart from the rest?
You have to demonstrate absolute confidence you can handle the job. Would you hire someone that wasn’t confident they could do the job? Even if there are aspects about the job you might not completely understand, you need to let the interviewer(s) know you can handle it. Very often a candidate is told they would be doing something they hadn’t done before. You don’t want to say ‘I’ve never done that before’. Rather say ‘I haven’t done that specifically before, but I’ve done similar things and I’m sure I’ll have no trouble figuring it out’. The hiring manager needs to know he doesn’t have to worry about you being able to do the job.
In all likelihood the interviewer(s) will be going through your resume and asking questions about your achievements/accomplishments and how you did them. They will be asking questions about your skills and your experience levels with the various skills they’re looking for. Make sure you can speak about everything in your resume.
Every interview goes two ways. While the interviewer(s) is interviewing you, you are also interviewing them. Pay attention to what your gut is telling you – not your brain. During the interview you are getting a sense of who the hiring manager is and what the corporate culture is all about. If everything on the surface sounds great, but your gut is telling you ‘no’, then trust your instincts. Don’t accept a job where you question the fit because you will ultimately be miserable. You need to focus on finding a job that satisfies your financial needs as well as fit needs.
You need to be able to convince the interviewer(s) that you are looking for a career – not a job. Hiring managers will not hire you if they feel the job you are interviewing for is merely a short-term stepping stone until you find a better job. You need to express your interest in the position in terms of the longer range. They need to feel if they invest in you, you will stick around long enough for them to reap the benefits of their investment.
Michael P. Paradis is a Consultant at New Options Group Talent Solutions in the Career Services group. He is a major contributor to the Webinar series and the revamping the Outplacement business process.
The post The Art of Successful Interviewing first appeared on New Options Group Talent Solutions.
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